Raising betta fish seems to be more popular right know, yes, in the midst of the current pandemic. Some things that make people interested in maintaining this ornamental fish are because of the beauty of the shape, color and the relatively easy way to care for them.

But, Even though it's easy, it turns out that inaccurate care methods can damage your Betta's fins and tail. Even though the beauty of the fins and tail of a Betta fish is the main point of its appearance. So, instead of taking a wrong step, consider the 7 good and correct ways to care for Betta fish below:

1. Move your betta fish without touching them

Betta fish are physically easily damaged. So, make sure to move it carefully when it is draining the water in the tank.

Moving your Betta fish together with a little water is also more recommended than moving Betta fish by hand or net. This is to reduce the risk of damaged or broken fins or tails when touched.

2. Give methyl blue when the tail or fin of the Betta fish is broken

Broken fins or tails of a Betta fish are sure to make us panic! But take it easy, you can help the process of regrowing your Betta fish's tail or fin faster.

The trick is, give enough methyl blue to the aquarium water. As a result, the recovery process for your Betta fish can take place faster, even less than a week depending on the level of damage.

3. Changing Half the water every other day

Cleanliness and health of aquarium water are important things to maintain the beauty of your Betta fish, you know!,therefore, change half the water in the tank every few days. Changing the water every other day is also highly recommended. 

4. Give dried ketapang leaves in water as an antibiotic

Is your fish fin or tail injured? Relax, you can treat it by giving dry ketapang leaves to the water. Yes, ketapang leaves are a natural antibiotic for betta fish. By providing ketapang leaves in aquarium water, the pH in the water will be optimal and good for the recovery of your Betta fish.

5. Give special fish salt in the water

The salt in question is not the table salt that you usually use for cooking, huh. This salt is a special salt for ornamental fish whose function is to balance osmosis in the body of the Betta fish. This salt can help heal wounds and disease such as White Spot and stabilize the metabolism of your Betta fish.

Don't sprinkle too much! You just need to sprinkle salt as much as 0.1% of the total water in the aquarium, really.

6. Give live feed rather than dry feed

Do you usually give your Betta fish dry food like pellets? You know, giving betta fish live food such as mosquito larvae, caterpillars, worms, or water fleas is much better for maintaining its health.

7. How to treat a weak or sick Betta fish

A limp betta fish can indicate that he is sick, To treat it, you can give a few drops of methyl blue, ornamental fish salt, tetra chloride medicine, and pomate to taste in aquarium water. Stir until blended and put the betta fish in the water that has been given the medicine above.

Well, that's how to care for betta fish that is good and right. Congratulations on keeping your ornamental betta fish, 

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